Secular and sectarian judges and law teachers from the Organization of the Islamic Conference began arriving on the 14th of July. Our office immediately sent a registered letter to Mikey Mullen urging him to just cancel the big offensive on the city of Kandahar. We explained why in detail. The US Army is an armored bureaucracy and we suspect it is not able to adapt in time. Our view is that the OIC teams should be deployed immediately, even if they are supplied or prepared. Otherwise they'll sit around drinking tea.
Our Spring 'retreat' was a disaster. I humiliated a colonel in front of his staff officers. And for good reason: what he proposed would have killed a lot of people, his own men. The superintendent of West Point thinks I am a dangerous man.
I looked into the eyes of American men and women who were prepared to sacrifice their lives, that women in Afghanistan might be free. I am deeply humbled.
Why don't these armies put women in their front line combat units? They're such good fighters. Men became men by hunting, women became woman by trapping, and gathering. A woman's brain is 3% less than a man's, by body weight. It's more compact. Therefore it thinks 3% faster.
In Afghanistan women create their own society. They have their own sufi groups, their own medical people, their own safehouses. Men care deeply for their wives, and that may be part of the problem. This fettering of the female is not Islamic, and actually countravenes the Qur'an. "Men and women are equal" it says, then details the exact rights of a woman - the right to divorce, to material support (even without children), to inherit, and to be free from abuse, for the first time in history. For the Qur'an says women should be "handled as if they were eggs."
Muhammed once gathered all his battle hardened soldiers, to say just one thing: "Pray as a woman prays."
One key to our (unexpected) success was that we were able to engage 'players' in their own languages, to explain to them using their own symbols, laws and lessons, to speak to them from the heart. For example, in engaging Saudi officials we use pre-Islamic and Islamic symbolism. In choosing what books to put in the 34 libraries, we had to go back to the time of the prophet, and pick up the law scholar Malik ibn 'Anas (715-795). We flattered the king, but asked him to make Malik, not ibn Wahhab the tip of his spear.
Will the Taliban submit to these international jurists? If they don't, they'll look awfully anti-Islamic. The OIC is worried about the security of its personnel. Because they're independent brokers, they can't depend NATO security. They think it might be dangerous to have these legal scholars on the staffs of the 34 libraries. But i try to explain that neither the Taliban or al Qaeda would target Islamic institutions.
Other nations deserve our attention. Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Dagestan and Chechniya, Kosovo, Palestine, Pakistan, Algeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Mali, Mauritania, Somalia, the Kurds in Turkey, and the Yemen. It's all in process, looked at. So stay tuned.